Fall / Winter 2008 Recap

dsc_9704Autumn 2008 brought some memorable moments for Rocket 88 and its fans. The band played second to last in the lineup to a full house at The Lyric in Oxford on the last night of a two night show for the Oxford Music Festival’s resoundingly successful debut in September. This show featured 600+ door head counts on both nights of the Festival.

Later that month, the band headed to The Delta to also play second to last in the lineup at Rosedale, Mississippi’s Otherfest and then back to the Capital City in October to again play second to last in the lineup at Jackson’s increasingly popular Jacktoberfest . This was the second year in a row to play the festival after headlining there last year.

Fall 2008 was closed out in proper form with a packed raucous crowd at Proud Larry’s in November after the 2008 Egg Bowl showdown between Ole Miss and Mississippi State University in Oxford.

Rocket 88 played a very energetic and memorable last show in December 2008 at the now closed Parrish Baker Pub. (Parrish’s has now reopened at another location).

January 2009 featured an unexpected dual show with Mayhem String Band at Proud Larry’s featuring both full bands on stage playing acoustic under the name “Mayhem 88”. The show turned out to be a hit with both bands and fans alike calling for an encore show to happen at a later date. Later that month, Rosamond, Jamie and Nate were again joined by some of the Mayhem Boys (Kevin Larkin, J.T. Lack, Ferd Moyse, Chris Steiner) for the second installment of “Music in the Hall” on the Oxford Square that featured The Mayhem Sting Band, Rocket 88, and Mr. Baby.